In response to COVID-19 and in an effort to keep our attendees and staff safe, we have made the difficult decision to postpone “BIG – HISTORY – HAPPENS”. The new date for the event is July 19 through 21 if 2024. Updates will be posted on this page.
AACDQ brings you

Hello there!
You probably you already know about the event that we’re setting up for July 2022. We’re going to give you a bit more information about it here.
This is an opportunity to get to know your DNA related cousin, at a FAMILY
event. The name of the event is “BIG – HISTORY – HAPPENING” This will take place in Chicoutimi, Saguenay, QC, Canada. Save the dates from July 22 to 24 of 2022. Most of our ancestors are from that region, the reason why we chose that location.
This will be three days of getting to know each other, learning, exploring our roots, and having fun.
Entities and personalities that will participate in the event
We’re working on packages for the benefit of everyone. To get this rolling, we need a headcount. This doesn’t have to be exact, but think about and include your whole family, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings and even friends. This event is not exclusive to adoptees it is for the whole family. Air and land transportation will be available at a discount for those who require them. Monthly payments will be available for your convenience as well.
First of its kind EVENT ever. A TIME to bond with your family and find your roots. A TIME to have fun and learn. TIME for a getaway vacation for the entire family as well.
Please join us! Join all your cousins in making history where our roots began.
For more information send us an email to To give us your headcount do it HERE. You can also get in touch with the person who reached out to you by messenger or one of the administrators in our Facebook group, AACDQ.
Short version of the schedule being worked on:
July 22 Friday
• Welcome dinner and preview of what will happen in the next two days. You will have time there to mingle and start getting to know your cousins
July 23 Saturday – 24 Sunday
• You will have the opportunity to share time with your DNA related families
• Some cousins will tell their stories. If you would like to be one of them, let us know
• A selection of tours will be available for you to pick from
• A show with local artists
• Live translation to and from English and French
• Recognitions
• Representatives of DNA testing companies.
• Government representatives
• Genealogical Societies
• And much more…